Cervical cancer awareness

Burden of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer incidence, cumulative risk of cervical cancer, total number of deaths and trends in deaths, and cervical cancer mortality to incidence.

Primary prevention. HPV vaccination programme coverage and programme details, related risk factors including tobacco use prevention, condom use at last high risk sex and HIV incidence.

Secondary prevention. National screening programme for cervical cancer details and cervical cancer screening rate.

Treatment and supportive care. National guidelines for cervical cancer management, cancer diagnosis and treatment service availability, availability of specialized medical staff, palliative care.

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BioGenesis Health Cluster objective is to develop innovative strategies for coordination and execution of work done by researchers across the world on initiatives designed to help international development in the fields of healthcare, education, and Science & Technology particularly through aid to developing countries.

BioGenesis Health Cluster is a Think Tank Organization performing constant continuous research activities and carries out work in various areas.

2015 2016 2017 2018
